At 1:20am on July 6, 2011, Richard Bucciarelli, President of Soccer Fitness, and Paolo Pacione, Fitness Coach for the Ontario Soccer Association, and Canadian Soccer Association, were interviewed by Anthony Totera on The Fan 590 Sportsnet Radio. The 40 minute interview covered a wide range of topics related to soccer and fitness, including Richard and Paolo’s recent presentation at the 7th World Congress on Science and Football in Nagoya, Japan, May 26-31 of 2011. “It was a great pleasure to be invited to speak with Paolo on Mr. Totera’s program tonight”, commented Richard. “Of course we were able to discuss our amazing experience in Japan, but, more importantly, this interview gave us a platform to discuss what we believe are important issues surrounding the role of the soccer fitness coach in Canada. Hopefully, through discussions such as these with qualified professionals in both soccer coaching and fitness disciplines, we will be able to improve the quality of physical training provided to our athletes, which will ultimately lead to the development of better athletes, and better soccer players.”
Click here to listen to the audio podcast of this interview.