Soccer Fitness Inc.

/Soccer Fitness Inc.

About Soccer Fitness Inc.

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So far Soccer Fitness Inc. has created 438 blog entries.

Congratulations to Germany – Why the Best Team Won

The World Cup is over. Germany have won their 4th World Cup title, beating Argentina via a 115th-minute goal from substitute Mario Goetze, 1-0. For me this has been one of the most exciting World Cups I can remember. It has featured lots of goals (140 in total, equal to the highest number ever at [...]

By | July 13th, 2014|Matches|2 Comments

Workout # 2 – Yes You Can

    It took 6 days, but I finished Workout # 2 of the Strength Program - Semi-Pro Level today.  I'm still on-track with 2 workouts per week, just barely.  Next week will be tough to get the two workouts done (I've got a tough week at work); however, that's the test:  can you make time for [...]

By | July 12th, 2014|Fitness|0 Comments

Workout # 1 – No Better Time than Today!

  Like many of you reading our blog, soccer was (and is) a big part of my life.  However, over the years, I've transitioned from competitive varsity / semi-pro athlete to a beer-league hopeful to a couch-potato fan. Well, no more.  I've decided to take up what I'm calling the "Soccer Fitness Gols Challenge" and get back into shape [...]

By | July 6th, 2014|Fitness|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness – Brazil Trip Day 7

Yesterday was my last night in Brazil! As I was a bit occupied at night, I decided to do the blog this morning instead. I spent the day at Copacabana beach, and watched the Argentina-Belgium game at one of the many bars. I played some soccer-volleyball with some friends I met at the bar, then [...]

By | July 6th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness – Brazil Trip Day 6

Today was a great day. I got to watch a game at the historical Maracana stadium, which has always been on my bucket list. Of course, in the 2nd game today, Brazil won 2-1 vs. Colombia, which means they are on to the Semi-Finals to face Germany. Brazil winning had a special impact on my [...]

By | July 5th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness – Brazil Trip Day 5

Today was the second straight day with no World Cup games to watch. I decided to fill the void with para-sailing. Several friends and colleagues who have been to Rio De Janeiro recommended this activity to me, so I figured I had to give it a try. There are a few draw-backs (it's fairly expensive, [...]

By | July 3rd, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness – Brazil Trip Day 4

Today I hung out at Ipanema beach with my coaching friends from Toronto. It was a quiet day (mostly because there were no World Cup games on). Also got into another pick-up game on the beach, this time with some much more reasonable was a lot of fun. I have decided to go hang-gliding [...]

By | July 2nd, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness – Brazil Trip Day 3

Happy Canada Day everyone!Today the sun finally came out in Rio De Janeiro!  I was on the beach all day and stayed at the Fan Fest to watch the Argentina-Switzerland match.  I must say that the Argentinian fans are pretty amazing.  The whole day they were singing and partying on the beach.  I tried to [...]

By | July 1st, 2014|Fitness|0 Comments

We Like Being Liked

Friends, we want to say "thank you" to everyone for your feedback on the Soccer Fitness Gols mobile app.  Our "gol" is to keep improving our service, so please keep sending us your comments and suggestions.Also, we want to thank "I Want It Apps", because it's nice to be liked!  You can check out their app reviews [...]

By | July 1st, 2014|Technology|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness – Brazil Trip Day 2

Today I spent the entire day at the Copacabana beach.  FIFA has organized a 'Fan Fest' - basically some viewing areas with large screen TV's showing all the games, plus they serve refreshments, and there are other attractions like rides you would see at an amusement park, etc..  It's a beautiful beach, and even though [...]

By | June 30th, 2014|Fitness|0 Comments