Soccer Fitness Inc.

/Soccer Fitness Inc.

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So far Soccer Fitness Inc. has created 438 blog entries.

2014 FIFA World Cup Soccer Fitness Preview: Greece – Strength in Numbers (And Numbers Behind the Ball)

Because this is a World Cup year, I have decided to countdown to the tournament by providing a short soccer/fitness related preview of each of the 32 participating nations. In this installment, I will look at Greece, who are drawn in the wide-open Group C, which also contains Colombia, Ivory Coast, and Japan. Greece play [...]

By | April 16th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

2014 FIFA World Cup Soccer Fitness Preview: Colombia – The Importance of ACL Prevention and Rehabilitation

Because this is a World Cup year, I have decided to countdown to the tournament by providing a short soccer/fitness related preview of each of the 32 participating nations. In this installment, I will look at Colombia, slight favorites in wide open Group C, which also contains Greece, Ivory Coast, and Japan.  Colombia play their [...]

By | April 14th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

New Article “Soccer Fitness Gols: How to Combine Your Passion For Soccer With the Right Exercise Routine” in Inside Soccer Magazine

Soccer Fitness is pleased to announce that our latest article "Soccer Fitness Gols: How to Combine Your Passion For Soccer With the Right Exercise Routine" has been published in the latest issue of Inside Soccer Magazine (Issue #106, April/May 2014).  This article introduces Soccer Fitness Gols, our new mobile fitness application that will be available [...]

By | April 14th, 2014|2014|0 Comments

Great Article About the Benefits of 'Cross-Training' For Soccer

Great Article About the Benefits of 'Cross-Training' For Soccer

By | April 11th, 2014|Science|0 Comments

2014 FIFA World Cup Soccer Fitness Preview: Australia – "Old Soccer, New Football"

Because this is a World Cup year, I have decided to countdown to the tournament by providing a short soccer/fitness related preview of each of the 32 participating nations. In this installment, I will look at Australia, underdogs in Group B, which contains Spain, Holland, and Chile.  Australia play their first match against Chile on [...]

By | April 10th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

An Amazing Video that Truly Proves: Nothing is Impossible This is an amazing video that is based on the TRUE story of a group of kids that lived on a small island in Thailand called "Koh Panyee", in 1986. It's a floating village in the sea that has not an inch of soil. The kids there were obsessed with soccer, but literally had [...]

By | April 8th, 2014|For Parents|0 Comments

2014 FIFA World Cup Soccer Fitness Preview: Chile – Individual Preparation the Key to Success

Because this is a World Cup year, I have decided to countdown to the tournament by providing a short soccer/fitness related preview of each of the 32 participating nations. In this installment, I will look at Chile, a strong team that finished 3rd in South American qualification, behind only Argentina and Colombia. Chile are drawn [...]

By | April 7th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

Elevate Your Legs, and Your Game

Soccer is a sport that places a high demand on the musculoskeletal system.  Soreness and eventual injury to muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments are all inevitable consequences of playing the sport.  The "R.I.C.E." method - an acronym which reads "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation" - is an efficient and effective means of dealing with soreness and [...]

By | April 7th, 2014|Fitness|0 Comments

2014 FIFA World Cup Soccer Fitness Preview: Holland – The Art of Not Choking

Because this is a World Cup year, I have decided to countdown to the tournament by providing a short soccer/fitness related preview of each of the 32 participating nations. In this installment, I will look at Holland, a perennial favorite and runner-up at the previous World Cup in South Africa 2010. Holland has drawn one [...]

By | April 4th, 2014|Matches|0 Comments

Stability Ball Dumbbell Bulgarian Lunge A more difficult variation on the Dumbbell Bulgarian Lunge. Adding the stability ball makes this exercise a lot more challenging by incorporating proprioceptive muscles that help with balance and stability in the hip and knee. To perform this exercise, grab 2 dumbbells, and stand with the stability ball a few feet behind. Slowly extend [...]

By | April 2nd, 2014|Fitness|1 Comment